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Instructions to mail your glasses or jewelry


We request that you do not send your case as it will not be mailed back.

Paul can evaluate your glasses for FREE. Normally he finds that over 95 percent of the time he can fix your Metal glasses and save you hundred of dollars.  If you drop your glasses off for repair he can have them back to you within a very short time. If you have mailed your glasses to him he will call and let you know how he can help you. Paul has a FAST turnaround time.

I'm a paragraph.

Please Print and complete the from below

First Name: ______________________      Last Name: __________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________________

City: ______________________    State: ______________       ZIP: ______________

Phone Number: (________)-_________-__________

Notes for Paul:





CREDIT CARD (enter info below)

Card type: _________________  Name on card __________________________________

Card #: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _       CVC #
(three digit code on the back of most cards): _______

Card expiration/valid thru date: ___/___ Billing Zip Code: ________ Amount authorized: $______




Mail to:​


Gem Quest

1090 South Wadsworth Blvd. Suite E

Lakewood, CO 80226

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